Sustainalytics acquires GES International – our ESG partnership continues


Responsible investments have become fairly mainstream – a general expectation of sound asset management practices. However, it is a complex and resource-intensive task for individual asset managers to rate thousands of companies on ESG factors - unlike financial ratios, there are no clear formats for reporting and revision of ESG factors, and a far more qualitative type of analysis is therefore involved. It therefore makes really good sense for us to collaborate with specialised external partners as part of our management of responsible investments. One of our most important partners throughout the years has been GES International - one of the world's leading consultants in the field of responsible investments. In January GES International was acquired by Sustainalytics - a global leader in ESG and corporate governance.  The acquisition combines the strength of the two companies in the realms of ESG research and engagement services. We are pleased to continue our corporation in the ever important and expanding field of ESG.


See press release