Our commandments of sustainability

  • Sustainability is a natural and integral part of our asset management
  • The needs of our clients are at the very core of everything we do. Our clients should be 100% certain that our investment solutions are sustainable and responsible
  • Our investment solutions have dual ambitious targets in returns and sustainability
  • Our deep in-house knowledge and experience is bolstered by close liaisons with carefully chosen providers of sustainability research and data
  • As the perception of sustainability in society is very much an evolving concept, our approach to sustainable investments is equally dynamic to reflect that

Our philosophy on sustainability

Sustainability is a natural and integral part of our asset management. For us that is common sense both in terms of exercising the best possible investment decisions and considering our impact on the planet.

We strongly believe that the inclusion of sustainability in our asset management contribute to better investment decisions, as up to date and multifaceted knowledge provides a stronger basis for good decision-making. We harness several aspects of sustainability as we strive for well-founded investment decisions and a robust sustainable profile. As sustainability is a highly evolving and developing concept, we are constantly adapting to reflect that dynamic in our investment solutions.

Our clients at the core

The needs of our clients are at the very core of everything we do. Our clients should be 100% able to trust that investment solutions are sustainable and responsible. As all clients are different in their preferences and needs, we fully support any specific sustainability requirements,

We believe in openness, cooperation and active ownership. We exercise our influence through active ownership and cast our votes when relevant to our investments, and we carefully select the best partners and participate in relevant initiatives.

Ambitious and sustainable investment solutions

The majority of our clients favours investment solutions that combines strong returns with a sustainable profile. Our solutions therefore have dual ambitious targets in returns and sustainability.

We offer both ready-designed solutions that caters to clients with a strong interest in sustainability, as well as tailor-made institutional options developed in collaboration with each client.

We always include as much as possible of the available investment universe, noting that a rigid focus on opt-outs often significantly reduces the investment possibilities, which can hamper the expected return.

Sustainability as an integral part of investment solutions

Through the years we have attained strong in-house knowledge of sustainability. This is combined with services from leading external providers in supporting our efforts to integrate sustainability into investment solutions. Specifically, this translates into portfolio managers, as a fixed part of their analysis, includes sustainable aspects in balancing return potential and risk.

Sustainability is slightly differently integrated in investment solutions across asset classes. For all fields however, it is a given that our investments comply with legislation, conventions and norms, as we are preparing to incorporate the EU taxonomy. We work thoroughly with environmental, social and governmental (ESG) issues and the same goes for CO2, controversial business models and the UN's sustainable development goals.

As a general guiding principle, we prefer that companies in our portfolios integrate sustainability in all investment decisions. In addition, we apply distinct supplementary parameters within the individual asset classes.

Further information

For further information on policies of responsible and sustainable investment in the Jyske Bank Group as well as the handling of principal adverse impact on sustainable factors, please visit the corporate website of Jyske Bank A/S.