Find in-depth analysis on investment related topics along with thoughts and view-points from our investment professionals. White Papers Fallstudien Title A robust Corporate Bond Multi-Factor Strategy in a volatile market How multi-factor risk premia offers value in a corporate bond strategy - the 2020 Covid-19 crisis case study Robust Investing in Corporate Bonds with Factor Investment Styles Risk is not rewarded by higher returns in the equity market Introduction to the Danish Mortgage Bond Market FX Carry - Distinct source of return in the FX market Sources of return in the commodity market Currency hedging in a Danish perspective Value and Momentum - a winning combination Currency risk hedging of portfolios Afkastkilder i aktiemarkedet - belysning af porteføljeegenskaber (available in Danish only) Afkastkilder i aktiemarkedet - introduktion (available in Danish only) Title Erfolgreiche Faktorstrategien im High Yield Bereich während der Corona-Krise Ein Faktormodell für ein robustes Corporate Bonds Portfolio Der dänische Markt für Hypothekenpfandbriefe Risiko wird am Aktienmarkt nicht mit höheren Renditen belohnt - Eine Low Volatility Strategie Perspectives Increased Sustainability Focus in Equities Low Volatility Corporate Bond Multi-factor strategy in a Market Crash Take out insurance against the next downturn of corporate bonds - buy the quality factor Corporate bonds: Robust return trough the credit cycle with a multi factor approach Risk is not rewarded with higher returns in the equity markets Corporate bonds – bonds related to ’short duration’ Alternative ways to achieve returns